Andrew Goldman, New York Times Magazine columnist known for the "Talk", is currently serving a month-long suspension following a publicized Twitter feud with novelist Jennifer Weiner over the nature of Goldman's questions to actress Tippi Hedren.
Weiner criticized Goldman's writing, calling it sexist after he asked Hedren if she was ever tempted to sleep with directors. An Oct. 8 tweet from Weiner read, "Fact is, women can, do sell books, get parts in movies, shows on the air w/o sleeping with anyone! Even the un-pretty ones.@andrewrgoldman "
Hugo Lindgren, editor of the Times magazine, stated:
"I made it clear to him that kind of behavior he exhibited in this Twitter exchange would not be tolerated, and he was contrite and accepted that without argument.... Readers are entitled to whatever opinions they have of his work, and he needs to be comfortable with that and engage thoughtfully when appropriate, or not at all."Goldman's suspension began Oct. 28 and will continue to write his column when the suspension is lifted.
Weiner explained that she did not ask for Goldman to be suspended from the Times magazine, further explaining that she accepted his apology and gave credit over Twitter to the talented writer and interviewer that he is.
Unintentional sexism has been an issue for journalists for decades; however, Goldman has consistently brought up sleeping around for fame in many of his interviews. During an interview with comedian Whitney Cummings published Sept. 16, 2011, Goldman asked, "On those Comedy Central roasts, your fellow comedians liked to joke about how you slept your way to fame. How accurate is that criticism?"
After Cummings countered by arguing that if sleeping around worked then she would be doing it, Mr. Goldman fought back by insisting that Chelsea Handler, a close friend of Cummings, was given her own show while she was dating the head of E!'s parent company, Comcast.